Installation Process: Custom VS Precast Plunge Pool


So we understand that the plunge pools are manufactured. They made it in a factory. They literally pour them all up, they build them, they bring them out on a truck. We’ve dug the hole and lay the footings. And there’s different footings for different plunge pools. And we get all that right. We work with the engineers to make sure that we’ve got if it needs peering, or if it’s rock, or whatever we need to do. But we lay the footings, and then the pool gets dropped in with a crane. We backfill it, so that means push all the dirt in around the pool, plug in the plumbing and the electrical, set up all your Pumps and filters. Good to go. Next thing comes. The concreters come and do around the outside. You get it tiled up. Get your coping tiles and your tiles around the edge of if you’re building a deck or whatever you need to do. Job done. It’s about a month start to finish. The whole thing’s done. Custom pools are a little bit different. We literally manufacture the swimming pool on site, in your backyard, in location. They never get moved. So similar process. We start by digging a big hole, and we’ve got to get that to the right, right depth, right size, right dimension. So we might string line it off your house, off the boundaries. We might need to do an identification survey to find out exactly where the boundaries are, a contour survey to have a look at the lay of the land, where the flooding might be, where the water’s going to run when it rains, so your pool doesn’t fill with mud and turn brown. All that’s done up front. Then, once we’ve dug the hole, the steel fixes come in and put all the steel reinforcing, and they wire it all up to the engineer specifications all around the pool, with the steps and all the different pieces. Then on the pool building day, a big concrete truck comes. It’s called a shotcrete truck, and there’s only a handful of those in South East Queensland. So if, if they get held up, this can what can really hold up the job. But they literally come in and blast all the concrete onto the walls of the dirt and fill it out to the thickness. The engineers are specified for your specific situation, and we literally build the pool in the hole. It’s such a cool process, but it can take, you know, anywhere up to three months. Is pretty typical for a shock, as opposed to a month to get a plunge pool in. So it means your backyard is going to look like a construction site for a significantly longer amount of time. However, if you if you want a big pool, or you want something special, that’s how it’s done.

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