Precast VS Custom Plunge Pool – What’s the difference?

When it comes to creating your dream outdoor space, you might be wondering about the options available for installing a plunge pool. The two main types to consider are precast concrete plunge pools and custom-built pools. So, what’s the difference between these two types?

In simple terms, a precast plunge pool is made from concrete that has been cast in a factory and then transported to your home for installation. On the other hand, a custom-built pool is constructed on-site according to your specific design and requirements. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision that suits your lifestyle and budget.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of precast VS custom plunge pools and will be better equipped to make a decision.

What is a Plunge Pool Precast?

A plunge pool precast is a type of small swimming pool that is manufactured off-site by being moulded into a precast concrete shell before being transported to your property.

Once they arrive, they are placed into the ground using a crane. This method allows for quicker installation compared to traditional methods because much of the construction work is done beforehand. Precast plunge pools are often available in various shapes and sizes, making them suitable for many different backyard layouts.

What is a Custom Built Pool?

A custom-built pool, on the other hand, is constructed directly on your property according to your specifications. This means you can choose everything from the shape and size to additional features like lighting, jets, and even infinity edges.

The construction method typically involves pouring concrete or using shotcrete to create the pool shell. This approach allows for greater flexibility in design but can take longer due to the on-site construction process. Custom-built pools are ideal if you have specific ideas in mind or want unique features that aren’t available with precast options.

Precast Pool Vs Custom Concrete Pool

When comparing precast pools vs custom concrete pools, there are several factors to consider:

FeaturePrecast Plunge PoolCustom Concrete Pool
Installation TimeFaster (days to weeks)Longer (weeks to months)
Design FlexibilityLimited shapes availableFully customisable
CostGenerally lowerTypically higher
DurabilityVery durableExtremely durable if well maintained
Maintenance NeedsFewer chemicals are needed (due to the smaller size of the pool)More chemicals may be required (the bigger the pool, the more work required)

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s essential to weigh these factors based on your needs and preferences.

Pool Cost Comparison

Cost is always an important consideration when planning any home improvement project. Generally speaking, precast concrete plunge pools tend to be more affordable than custom-built pools.

  • Precast Plunge Pools: Prices typically range from $20,000 to $30,000 depending on size and features + installation costs.
  • Custom Concrete Pools: These can start around $40,000 – $60,000 (including installation) depending on complexity and additional features like spas or infinity edges.

While precast options may seem like an attractive choice due to their lower price tag, remember that custom-built pools offer more flexibility in design which might justify their higher cost for some homeowners.

Installation Process and Timeframes

The installation process for each type of pool varies significantly:

  • Precast Plunge Pools:
    • Delivery of the prefab concrete pool shell.
    • Placement using a crane.
    • Connection of plumbing and electrical systems.
    • Final landscaping touches.
    The entire process can take just a few days to weeks.
  • Custom Concrete Pools:
    • Site preparation (excavation).Building the pool shell with shotcrete or traditional methods.Installing plumbing, electrical systems, and finishes.
    This method can take several weeks to months depending on weather conditions and complexity.
 installation process precast vs custom plunge pool

If you’re looking for a quicker solution, a precast plunge pool may be the way to go.

Pool Design Flexibility and Customisation

When it comes to design flexibility:

  • Precast Pools: These usually come in standard shapes such as rectangles or circles. While some customisation options exist (like colour), they are limited compared to custom-built pools.
  • Custom Pools: You have complete control over every aspect of your pool’s design. Whether you want an elegant lap pool or a freeform oasis with waterfalls, you can create exactly what you envision.

If having a unique focal point in your backyard is important to you, then investing in a custom-built option may be worth considering.

Durability and Maintenance

Both types of pools are built from concrete, which is known for its durability. However:

  • Precast Pools: They are generally very durable but can be prone to cracks if not installed correctly. Regular maintenance helps prevent issues like algae growth since these pools require fewer chemicals compared to traditional concrete pools.
  • Custom Pools: These are also long-lasting when constructed properly but may require more maintenance due to their larger size or additional features like jets or spas that need regular upkeep.

In terms of durability, both types perform well when cared for properly; however, maintenance needs may vary based on specific designs.

Site Preparation and Installation Considerations

Before installing either type of pool, site preparation is crucial:

  • For both types, ensure that your property has adequate access for trucks delivering materials and cranes placing the pool shell.
  • Soil conditions must also be assessed; poor soil can affect stability which might lead to future issues with cracking or settling.

Proper planning ensures that your installation goes smoothly whether you’re opting for a precast plunge pool or a custom build.

Environmental Impact

Considering environmental impacts is essential when choosing between these two options:

  • Precast Pools: These typically use less water during installation since much of the work occurs off-site. They also tend to require fewer chemicals due to their smooth surfaces that resist algae growth.
  • Custom Pools: Depending on design choices (like infinity edge pools), they may require more water during construction. However, thoughtful landscaping around these pools can help mitigate environmental impacts by enhancing drainage and reducing runoff.

Both types can be designed with eco-friendly features such as energy-efficient pumps or solar heating systems if sustainability is important for your outdoor living space.

Suitability for Small Backyard Space

If you have limited space in your backyard:

  • Precast Plunge Pools: These are often more compact than traditional concrete options making them ideal for smaller yards where space is at a premium.
  • Custom Pools: While they can also be designed for smaller spaces, they usually require more room due to excavation needs during construction.

For homeowners with smaller backyards looking at options like spa installations or semi-inground designs, precast plunge pools might provide better solutions without compromising on aesthetics or functionality.

Long-Term Value and Resale Considerations

Investing in either type of plunge pool adds value to your property:

  • A well-maintained precast concrete plunge pool can attract buyers looking for low-maintenance options while still offering relaxation benefits.
  • A custom-built pool might appeal more if it includes unique features that enhance outdoor living experiences—like infinity edges or integrated spas—making it stand out during resale.

Ultimately both types offer long-term value; however, understanding market trends in your area will help determine which option aligns better with potential buyers’ preferences when you’re ready to sell.

Precast and Custom Plunge Pools

Materials Used in Precast and Custom Plunge Pools

The materials used play an essential role in determining quality:

  • Both types primarily use high-quality concrete which provides durability against weather elements over time.
  • Precast models often incorporate fibreglass finishes inside their shells while custom builds may allow homeowners more freedom regarding surface materials (like tiles).

Choosing materials wisely ensures longevity regardless of whether you opt for precast or custom designs!


In summary, choosing between a precast VS custom plunge pool involves understanding various factors such as cost, installation timeframes, design flexibility, durability needs among others!

If you’re looking for something quick and budget-friendly with fewer maintenance demands—a precast option could be perfect! However if creating an extraordinary outdoor living experience tailored specifically towards personal preferences excites you—then investing into building something completely unique might just make sense!

Now that you’ve learned about both types of plunge pools—take some time reflecting upon what matters most within your outdoor space! Consider reaching out today towards our professionals who specialise in this field—they’ll help guide you through creating YOUR dream oasis!

People Also Ask

When do you want a plunge pool?

You might want a plunge pool if you’re looking for relaxation without needing extensive swimming space—ideal during hot Australian summers!

When do you want a custom pool?

A custom pool suits those wanting specific designs tailored exactly how they envision their outdoor area—perfect if creativity drives inspiration!

Should you get a precast or a custom plunge pool?

Deciding between these depends largely upon budget constraints versus desired aesthetics—consider both pros/cons before making decisions!

What is the best type of pool construction?

The best construction method varies per individual needs; however both precast & traditional methods offer unique benefits depending upon circumstances involved!

 Are precast concrete pools good swimming pools?

Yes! Precast concrete pools provide excellent durability while requiring less maintenance compared with other types—making them suitable choices overall!

What’s the difference between a Precast and a Custom Plunge Pool?

So, what’s the difference between a plunge pool and a custom pool? The most straightforward answer is that plunge pools are made in a factory and brought to the site by truck. In contrast, custom pools are made on-site.

So the real question here is…

When do you want a plunge pool? And when do you want a custom pool? And what’s the difference?

Plunge pools are great when you want something relatively small, quick, and easy. They’re pre-manufactured products and there are only two manufacturers in Southeast Queensland. There’s only a handful of sizes. So you’ve got a couple of different round ones, a square one, and a few rectangles of different sizes. So if one of those sizes is right for you, perfect, because we can get them done quickly. Think about a month starting to finish the whole project.

If one of those sizes isn’t right for you, it’s going to be a custom pool. Now, if we were to build a custom pool the same size as a plunge pool, you might be looking at 20, maybe 30% tops, extra cost for manufacture, and the inconvenience of manufacturing on site. That’s just how the numbers work out.

However, you migh be thinking: “Aren’t custom pools usually are a lot more expensive? Often, three, four or five times the price?”. Yes, but only because they’re so much bigger, right?

Now, the question remains:

Should you get a precast or a custom plunge pool?

Theoretically, we could do a custom pool of the same size as the precast plunge pools. But if one of the precast sizes works much quicker and makes installation easier, that’s probably the right way to go.

If you think: “Six by three, no way we’ve got a bunch of kids, and we want a nice big pool”. Then it’s going to be a custom pool. We can build any size, any shape. You can put spas inside them; you can do all kinds of fancy things with them. So if you’re thinking: “Hey, that’s what I’m after.” And you’ve got the budget for that, then a custom pool is definitely the way to go.

Need help? Contact Plunge Pools Brisbane for a free consultation.

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